In God's providence, I read your posting this morning on an email I rarely look at. Thank you for such encouragement and insight. As I read your words, I thought of the idols of the heart that fuel our thoughts and emotions to this disillusionment that you address. On another note, so happy to see that you are married and have a precious son. By God's grace, we have been well in the Lord. Jeanne and I have been living with ALS. Jeanne began to experience weakness in her hands and feet and was diagnosed in August 2018. God has mercifully upheld us. He has given us a joy in the midst of great suffering and a longing to see "dieing is gain". This light and momentary affliction has given us a longing to loosen our grip on the material and long to see him face to face. Thankful that He is sovereign and good in all things. Grace to you and your family this Christmas.

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Grace to you and yours as well. Thank you so much for sharing. May you and your Love find the strength amidst this season. I am so sorry for the tremendous burden of this illness upon you & Jeanne and hope you are able to find calm amidst the storm. May the One we know as Healer, be your Hope and Peace.

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